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NorAn NorAn MultiTank 660 - 1100 front tank - nitrosol applicator Düngerstreuer

QF-Nr.: 11123087
QF-Nr.: 11123087

NorAn NorAn MultiTank 660 - 1100 front tank - nitrosol applicator Düngerstreuer

geprüfter Anbieter
8.348 €
(6.573 € zzgl. 27% MwSt)
Telefonnummer anzeigen
HU-6062 Tiszakécske, Tiszabög
NorAn MultiTank 660 - 1100 front tank - nitrosol applicator


NorAn MultiTank 660 - 1100 front tank - nitrosol applicator

The tank ensures efficient and precise application even at varying working speeds. The NorAn MultiTank 660-1100 is a multifunctional, combined applicator that enables the application of soil bacteria preparations and fertilizers in a single pass with soil cultivation, making the process cost-effective and efficient. Thanks to its universal frame structure, the tank can be easily operated on a CAT2 front hydraulic system or in place of a front weight.

Hungarian-made with Western quality!
- 2-YEAR FULL MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY! (excluding wear parts)

The NorAn MultiTank can be ordered with different pumps based on the intended application:

Annovi Reverberi hydraulic motor-driven diaphragm pump (HF models):

-Maximum application rate: 115 l/min
-Suitable for high-dose liquid fertilizer application
-Tank capacity: 1100 or 660 liters
-Mountable on CAT2 suspension or in place of a front weight
-Self-priming capability
-Handwashing tank
-Automatic shut-off at field edges
-Support legs
-GPS-based speed detection
-Application rate: 60-400 l/ha
-ISOBUS control
-Proportional application
-Internal mixing system
-Arag fittings and valves
-External connections on the tank
-Road lighting


-Variable-rate application
-Suction/filling hose
-Additional piping for implement-side connections
-Mounting on the implement upon request
-3-6 m spraying boom for the front of the tank

2024 Prices (standard configuration):
With Annovi Reverberi hydraulic motor pump:

-NorAn MultiTank 660 HF: €7,231 + VAT
-NorAn MultiTank 1100 HF: €7,647 + VAT

Billing is in Euros upon order, or in Hungarian Forints (HUF) based on the official MNB exchange rate on the day of payment.

Free delivery across Hungary!

Norbert Sütő

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Norbert Sütő
Geschäftsleitung, Verkauf, Neumaschinen
Tel:+36 (0) 6 306013161
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
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HU-6065 Lakitelek

Seit über 2 Jahren 11 Monaten bei

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Cégnév: Si-Sped Kft.

Cím: 6062 Tiszakécske, Tiszabög utca 85.

Telefon: +36 30 601 31 61



A céget bejegyző hatóság: Kecskeméti Törvényszék

Cégjegyzékszám: 12-34-567890

Adószám: 13640998-2-03

Kamara: Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara

Tárhelyszolgáltató: DotRoll Kft. ( 1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 3-5., Magyarország , )

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NorAn's name quickly became synonymous with innovation, because from all over the country and from all over the world coming orders to produce a variety of future-oriented machines.
We always look at these requests carefully and when we see that they are of interest to a wide range of farmers, we respond. of a wide range of people, then we start planning. First and foremost, the farmers' opinions on what they would like from the machine.
They will determine the whole planning process.
In the design office we use highly skilled engineers with agricultural experience in the latest, most modern 3D design software to create a three-dimensional model of the product.
This is followed by finite element modelling which shows the load-bearing capacity of the critical points of the product on the drawing board. If this model has passed this test, prototype production can begin.
Then all our machines are subjected to long-term tests in a number of farms around the country to make sure that the product will stand up in the field.
Any repairs are carried out, and then put into mass production. Not only during the design phase, but also in the production halls, we use the latest technologies to ensure that only top quality machinery is delivered to farmers.
Our CNC-controlled laser cutters, plasma cutters, edge benders, lathes and and welding robots, the life of our machines is outstanding and a reliable partner in farming.

You can choose from our high quality Hungarian products!
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